

This is a python based DNA converter which converts the DNA to RNA to amino acid chains

sequence = int(input("Enter the length you want the sequence to be")) from random import randint DNA = ["A" , "T" , "C" , "G"] data = [] dnaString = "" for p in range (0,sequence): randomVal = randint(0, len(DNA) -1) x = DNA[randomVal] dnaString = dnaString + x rnaString = "" for x in range(0,len(dnaString), 1): letter = dnaString[x] if letter == "A": rnaString = rnaString + "U" if letter == "T": rnaString = rnaString + "A" if letter == "C": rnaString = rnaString + "G" if letter == "G": rnaString = rnaString + "C" # the variable in the for loop is a representative of the index for b in range(0,len(rnaString), 3): codon = rnaString[b:b+3] print(codon) if codon == ("GCA" or codon == "GCC" or codon == "GCG" or codon =="GCU"): rnaString = rnaString + "A" if codon == ("UGC" or codon == "UGU"): rnaString = rnaString + "C" if codon == ("GAC" or codon == "GAU"): rnaString = rnaString + "D" if codon == ("GAA" or codon == "GAG"): rnaString = rnaString + "E" if codon == ("UUC" or codon == "UUU"): rnaString == rnaString + "F" if codon == ("GGA" or codon == "GGC" or codon == "GGG" or codon == "GGU"): rnaString = rnaString + "G" if codon == ("CAC" or codon == "CAU"): rnaString = rnaString + "H" if codon == ("AUA" or codon == "AUC" or codon == "AUU"): rnaString = rnaString + "I" if codon == ("AAA" or codon == "AAG"): rnaString = rnaString + "K" if codon == ("UUA" or codon == "UUG" or codon == "CUA" or codon == "CUC" or codon == "CUG" or codon =="CUU"): rnaString = rnaString + "L" if codon == ("AUG"): rnastring = rnaString + "M" if codon == ("AAC" or codon == "AAU"): rnaString = rnaString + "N" if codon == ("CCA" or codon == "CCC" or codon == "CCG" or codon == "CCU"): rnaString = rnaString + "P" if codon == ("CAA" or codon == "CAG"): rnaString = rnaString + "Q" if codon == ("AGA" or codon == "AGG" or codon == "CGA" or codon == "CGC" or codon == "CGG" or codon == "CGU"): rnaString = rnaString + "R" if codon == ("AGC" or codon == "AGU" or codon == "UCA" or codon == "UCC" or codon == "UCG" or codon == "UCU"): rnaString = rnaString + "S" if codon == ("ACA" or codon == "ACC" or codon == "ACG" or codon == "ACU"): rnaString = rnaString + "T" if codon == ("GUA" or codon == "GUC" or codon == "GUG" or codon == "GUU"): rnaString = rnaString + "V" if codon == ("UGG"): rnaString = rnaString + "W" if codon == ("UAC" or codon == "UAU"): rnaString = rnaString + "Y"


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Print a number from 1 to 1000 as a word Python

Code for printing a number from 1 to 1000 as a word in python.

import math names={1:"one",2:"two",3:"three",4:"four",5:"five",6:"six",7:"seven",8:"eight",9:"nine",10:"ten", 11:"eleven",12:"twelve", 13:"thirteen",14:"fourteen",15:"fifteen",16:"sixteen",17:"seventeen",18:"eighteen",19:"nineteen",100:"hundred",1000:"thousand",20:"twenty",30:"thirty",40:"fourty",50:"fifty",60:"sixty",70:"seventy",80:"eighty",90:"ninety",200:"twohundred",300:"threehundred",400:"fourhundred",500:"fivehundred",600:"sixhundred",700:"sevenhundred",800:"eighthundred",900:"ninehundred",} num = input("Number between 1 and 1000: ") num = int(num) if num<=1000: if num in names: z=names.get(num) print(z) elif num<=99: m = num % 10 n = num - m m = names.get(m) n = names.get(n) result = n + m print(result) else: x=num%10 def rounddown(p): return int(math.floor(p/100.0)) * 100 h = rounddown(num) u = num - h - x x = names.get(x) h = names.get(h) u = names.get(u) if x is None: print(h+" "+u) else: print(h+" "+u+" "+x) else: print("Wrong input")
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