
Group Anagrams using Python

class Solution: def groupAnagrams(self,strs): dict={} for word in strs: sortedword="".join(sorted(word)) if sortedword not in dict: dict[sortedword]=[word] else: dict[sortedword].append(word) result=[] for item in dict.values(): result.append(item) return result s=Solution() print(s.groupAnagrams(["eat","ate","tea","ton","not","bat"]))

homework/exam grade calculator

print:("This program read exam/homework scores and reports your overall course grade.") weight = int(input("Enter the weight:")) score= int(input("Score earned?")) scoreshifted=int(input("Were scores shifted")) if scoreshifted ==1: shiftAmount = int(input("Enter a shift amount: ")) score= score +shiftAmount print("totalscore = " + str(score) + "/ 100")

3D Modeling: Car

A car made in blender, without any tutorials or other help.

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