
My K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm so far...without SKLearn...

Nowhere near done but I'll get there eventually...

#Importing import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math as math #Data data = [(1, 2, "red"), (10, 8, "blue"), (5, 6, "green"), (4, 1, "red"), (8, 8, "blue"), (3, 1, "green"), (1, 2, "red"), (8, 10, "blue"), (6, 5, "green")] #Points x = int(input("What's your x-value?")) y = int(input("What's your y-value?")) point = (x, y) print(point) #Distance for i in range(0, 9, 1) def distance(x, y, x2, y2): return sqrt(x2-x)**2+(y2-y)**2

CVE (Common Vulnerability events) management using NLP

There are number of public databases for CVEs and organization of events makes it harder for CIOs and data center admins to quickly search and cross check across all DBs with thousands of entries.

Disaster page

This is designed to log people after a disaster. It uses Firebase to store its information. the bottom lists have bad CSS.

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